In early March, Uche Jombo started receiving body shaming comments about her post baby body as many felt she wasn’t doing enough to get rid of the excess weight she had amassed.
As a result of this, her Nollywood colleague and friend, Chioma Akpotha went spare on the body shamers after they flooded her Instagram comment section with some ‘demeaning’ remarks about Uche on two photos she posted with her Wives on Strike co-star. Read on after the cut...
In defence of Uche, she revealed that the actress had lost quite a number of pregnancies before finally having her baby, Matthew with her husband, Kenney Rodriguez in May last year.
Read what she posted via her Instagram account.
Hello Everyone I’m a bit emotional now but I’d try hard to drive my point home. I took my last post down just like I did another one a few days back all because of the bashing you all come to drop on my page for Uche. Uche is this, Uche is that. “Ha! Is that Uche? I thought that was a panda” . “Uche take it easy o!, diabetes is around the corner” . “Uche, marriage has dragged you down.” And it goes on and on and on…. Why if I may ask do you sit behind your laptops and your phones and throw demeaning words at your fellow human being?And to think most of these hateful comments come from women who I think are full of bitterness themselves because it is out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks, in this case the hands type. Who died and made you Uche’s watchman? Did Uche tell you she doesn’t have a mirror in her house? Did she tell she doesn’t know her dress size has changed?Did she by any chance tell you Kenny is complaining ? Did she beg you for money to buy slimming tea and she pocketed the money and bought chocolates instead? Did you give Uche money to hit the gym but instead she pocketed the money and chose to sit at home and watch movies with bowls of caramel coated popcorn and a jumbo size soda?Do you know how many pregnancies she lost before #BabyMatthew came? Did you know whilst we were on set for #WivesOnStrike Uche was over 4mths gone with a baby she eventually lost? And that was not the only one?
Do you then begin to think of the process her body has been through all these years? Do you all not just want to be human or you just feel better when you put the other down? #PullThemDownSyndrome What if @uchejombo were to be your sister, aunt or some sort of relative, would you throw these kinds of comments her way? @okolimaureen @ckelzofficial ? Let Uche be! She was never a #Darego She has never been a slim person. Different strokes for different folks. The way lady A’s body reacts to the process of child bearing is different from that of lady B. Life is too difficult as it is already why make it worse for the other person? To what gain? #LetUcheBe ! Stop wasting ur time typing hateful comments #BeProductive go see #WivesOnStrike 1
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